Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area

Working In Harmony With Nature.

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Trail Marking

The HPWA consists of 7 different coloured trails and our dyke systems. A large variety of ecosystems, wildlife, vistas and plants can be seen on our trails and viewing stands. Our trails have all been blazed according to a standardized method used across North America. Paint blazes are 2-inch by 6-inch rectangles and can be seen on trees when hiking or riding through woodlots, or on wooden planks attached to metal posts when adventuring through meadows and grasslands. The colour of the paint blaze corresponds to the colour of the trail on the map. If you are new to the trails it is recommended to bring a user guide with you. The blazing markers are to the left of the page.

Respect and Regulations

While on these trails please remember to respect them as well as the many plants and animals found on this. This includes people, hunter and non-hunter alike.

  • Garbage: Hullett staff does not have enough time to collect garbage so please take all trash with you when you leave. This includes shotgun shells, coffee cups and poop bags. 
  • Dog Doo Doo: Please remove dog waste from the trails by collecting it or flicking it out of the way of treading feet.
  • Unless hunting, please stay on the trails for your safety and to reduce damage to the natural habitat.
  • ALWAYS MAINTAIN CONTROL: During certain times of the year, there is hunting and trapping at Hullett Marsh. For your safety and that of your pets and children please stay on marked trail systems.
  • Horses: All Hullett trails are open to horseback riding. Access is permitted throughout the area with exception to Zone A between October 1 and May 1.  
  • Motorized vehicles are NOT permitted on trails or dyke systems. Only those with special permission from FOH and MNRF may use vehicles off the roads.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. It is good to bring food, water and a cell phone with you -- and don't forget the bug spray!

Level of Difficulty
Level 1: Easy. For families with young children
Level 2: Medium. Wear comfortable and sturdy shoes.
Level 3: Some hills, natural paths.

Note: Time to complete is based on the average adult pace of 4 km per hour. Individual times may vary with grade, ground conditions and the ability of the participant.

Trail Blazers

The Friends of Hullett organize a trail maintenance group who monitor and maintain the kilometers of trails on the property. We encourage you to volunteer and to come check out the trails at least twice a year.

Being a trailblazer includes:

  • Keeping a record of maintenance
  • Painting trail blazes
  • Pruning trees
  • And contacting FOH staff for large jobs.

For more information about trail maintenance or if you wish to become a Trail Blazer, please contact us at 519-482-7011 or 

Red Trail

Length: 2.2 km      Difficulty: Level 2 - Medium      Time: 30-50 minutes

This is our newest trail and provides access to one of our accessible hunting blinds. At which point this beautifully pathed trail continues to meander through a mix of mature hardwoods and fallow fields. Take a moment to appreciate our new Bluebird Box installs.

Please be advised that poison ivy lines the trail in areas (including vines that wind up many trees), so be sure to stay on the trail and wear appropriate footwear.

Orange Trail

Length: 1.2 km   Difficulty: Level 2 - Medium    Time: 20-30 minutes

A unique feature of this trail is its elevation, as it is the highest region found throughout the marsh. Excellent views of the Bluebill and Pintail pools can be found from the trail or the viewing stand in parking lot 40677 Summerhill Rd. A solar Motus tower can be seen along this trail as well, which is used to monitor bird movement as maintained by Bird Studies Canada.

Green Trail

Length: 2.4 km       Difficulty: Level 2 - Medium     Time: 30-50 minutes

The Green trail has woodlands providing good shade for walking and has amazing opportunities for wildlife viewing. On this trail, you can see raptor nests and wood duck boxes. This trail not only runs through the beautiful woodlots, but it travels through fallow fields and meadows making this a good place to find a wide variety of wildlife. Also crossing at the West end of the Woodie pools and a number of ponds to view waterfowl and other aquatic species. 

Blue Trail

Length: 2.3 km   Difficulty: Level 2 - Medium   Time: 30-50 minutes

The Blue Trail is one of the most common trails at Hullett that meanders through both woodland and meadow and links to all other trails in Zone B.  From stands dominated by Sugar Maple, White Ash and American Beech to meadows of grasses, flowers and hawthorns. Woodpeckers, Flickers and Nuthatches abound, you may even catch a glimpse of the Pileated Woodpecker or rare Loggerhead Shrike! Hullett is a bird lovers paradise. The Blue Trail is accessed from the parking lot at 80602 Wildlife Line or 80591 Front Road. 

Yellow Trail

 Length: 0.4 km   Difficulty: Level 1 - Easy   Time: 10-15 minutes

The Yellow trail cuts through the Maple and Ash dominant forest of the Sugar Bush. Due to the high prescience of ash, it has been hit hard by the invasion on Emerald Ash Borer, creating a unique habitat and environment. With the dying ash trees, the understory of the forest floor is flourishing. In spring, the forest floor abounds with spring ephemeral wildflowers like trilliums, jack-in-the-pulpit, marsh marigold, skunk cabbage, and other herbaceous plants. Migrating Warblers, Vireos, Blue Jays, American Robin, Owls and many other species of birds bring this trail to life during the Spring and Summer seasons. This is also prime habitat for viewing White-tailed Deer and is fantastic for autumn photography.

Purple Trail

Length: 0.3 km    Difficulty: Level 1 - Easy   Time: 5-10 minutes

The Purple Trail is a beautiful trail section connected to the Blue and Green trails. Hikers will find a mixed chorus of birds from both Upland Woods and Meadows as well as a variety of wildlife species. Numerous trees including Maples, Oaks, Hemlocks, and interestingly a large number of beech trees, whose smooth, grey trunk resembles elephant legs. The trail itself is quite short, but getting to this trail requires hikers to hike sections of other trails to access it.

White Trail

Length: 4.7 km        Difficulty: Level 2 - Medium        Time: 60-90 minutes

 The White trail is the longest trail at Hullett, and it runs almost the entire width of Hullett. 

The White trail provides an excellent opportunity to witness the forest and meadow ecosystems and how they inter-relate. The trail is also close to agricultural fields, fallow fields, lush ferns, wooded areas, and ponds. Take a moment to examine the wildlife around you. It will become clear how each ecosystem is equally and individually important.

All of our trails are marked, follow these indicators to follow the trails!


Please be aware of all natural dangers that can be present on all trails. Poison ivy is present throughout the entire marsh in both a plant and vine form which crawls up many trees. Learn to identify Poison Ivy and attempt to avoid when possible. Please take caution when hiking. 

Hiking Trails