Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area

Working In Harmony With Nature.

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Friends of Hullett

The mandate for FOH is to: 

  • Maintain the balance within and between the diverse ecosystems found on this property including wetlands, agricultural landscapes and wildlife habitats
  • Promote youth and adult environmental education leading to wise stewardship of our natural resources
  • Facilitate recreational users to recognize multi-use activities as beneficial to all and to work towards common goals
  • Develop financial management systems to ensure the long term fiscal sustainability of this property
  • Encourage a healthy community involvement, including adjacent landowners, local municipalities and regional tourism

To achieve this mandate, Friends of Hullett undertake many projects on the property, including:

  • Removing and monitoring invasive species such as Autumn Olive, Purple Loosestrife, Garlic Mustard and Phragmites 
  • Limiting woody vegetation in grasslands
  • Planting trees to increase interior forest habitat
  • Maintaining and monitoring wood duck boxes, blue bird boxes, mallard tubes and screech owl boxes
  • Assisting users in enjoying the property
  • Hosting numerous public events throughout the year

The objectives of Friends of Hullett include:

  • The management of the area for waterfowl and a range of benefits to wildlife 
  • The ability to provide public hunting opportunities
  • To provide resource-based educational opportunities

BOD Meeting Minutes


Friends of Hullett is a non-profit organization dedicated to the management of the Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area. Due to government cutbacks in the 1990's, the Ministry of Natural Resources was forced to reduce its involvement with the HPWA. Friends of Hullett was created to assist in the management of the marsh, and in 1998, FOH was registered as a charity.